Lots of Pain Tonight
As you know I have recently had a CTscan and an upper GI and they found nothing. However, I am in major pain tonight in my stomach. Normally the pain is up by my chest, but tonight it is in the middle of my stomach. It seems to be related to my bowels but I am not sure.
Any ideas. I can't take this much longer.
I see a gastrologist on April 21st.
Hi Barbara, I'm sorry your in so much pain. But I do know how you feel. I do have the pains and I am 9 months out. I have had a CT scan, Stomach X-Ray, and something else. I thought it was my bowels to, but it wasn't. I still some Fiber daily though. The pain went away for about a month and came back. It would hurt so bad, I would sit and cry. They couldn't find anything either. It made me mad, b/c I knew something wasn't right. I wounded up in the ER last Tuesday morning about 6:00 b/c it was so bad. I was bent over in pain and couldn't even walk. Our pains sound very familiar, wherever their coming from. I hope they can find out where it's from. Keep me posted b/c I would sure like to have an answer to. Sorry I could't help you. Hang in there.


Have they checked your gallbladder? It sounds very much like the gallbladder pain I experienced after having my daughter.
I hope that it's identified and resolved soon.
My thoughts and prayers are with you,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
The last several weeks I have had the same discomfort at the top of my pouch. I would have to lay down for awhile til it subsided. It would happen several times a day and it wasn't pleasent at work either. I'm 4 months out and this is the only discomfort I've had since surgery. I e-mailed my surgeon and he has put me on Prevacid- "proton pump inhibitor" a formulary prescription. So far, So good.
Keep us posted.
Well I was up most of the night last night with severe pain and thought I was going to the hospital. It finally went away around 10 a.m. and I got a little sleep before going to my shop.
I do not have a gallbladder anymore and I am almost positive this is bowel related.
Please pray they find the problem. The pain last night was worse than the surgery itself.
God bless,